2025 Pre-Conference Training Offerings

Please Note

You will only be able to choose one Pre-Conference class

If a minimum of 10 students in a class is not reached by September 15, 2025, the class will be cancelled, and the student will have the option of attending any available class or amending their registration.

The full schedule will be added when it is finalized

Essentials of Fire Chaplaincy

Saturday-Sunday (October 18-19), 2025, 0830-1700

Instructors: TBA

     Essentials of Fire Chaplaincy – is a two-day course designed as a “Survey of Fire Chaplaincy”. It is appropriate for new chaplains, experienced chaplains, and those who just want to learn what fire chaplaincy is all about. The course topics include: Foundations, Personhood of the Chaplain, Beginning a Fire Chaplaincy Program, Ministry to Firefighters Assisting those in Crisis, Chaplain Code of Conduct and Ethics, the Chaplain’s Response, On-Scene Operations, Incident Management, Stress Management, Firefighter Injury and Line of Duty Death, and Fire Service Funerals                                              

 Includes FFC Essentials Manual.

CISM: Advanced Individual

Saturday-Sunday (October 18-19), 2025, 0830-1700

Instructor: Dr. Ed Hatcher

FFC Instructor Workshop


Friday October 17, 2025, 0830-1700

Requires Approval by Institutes Director Keith Smith or Executive Director Jimmie Duncan to participate.

Keith Smith: kwsmith46@sbcglobal.net

Jimmie Duncan: FFC.chaplain@gmail.com


  • Current Member in "Good Standing" 
  • Have been a Member in FFC for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.
  • Have received the FFC Advanced Studies Certificate

This one-day workshop is for those interested in becoming FFC Instructors and is required every four years for current instructors. 

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